
Iao Core is an experimental rock band formed in San Francisco in 1987. Far outside the mainstream (in terms of music and career path), they have released more than 20 albums, have a devoted worldwide following, and tour frequently. Their music touches on classical, electronica, industrial, speed metal with a distinctly experimental/avant-garde bent; The lyrics are in fact superb: out of such pockets light pours, conjuring spirits of an America both mysterious and obscene.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Transcript of Press Conference from 7:00 a.m. 12-21-2012 (7W10.12) The Standard Hotel, Los Angeles California
There will be many statements that are made in the following, that will require you to validate either the facts, or the conclusions derived from them on your own. Too many theories of too intricate or expansive a nature are involved for me to take time and space now to bring out all of their supporting details. So certain statements and observations will be made with no supporting material supplied as it is expected that motivated listener will explore the ideas in question on their own and reach conclusions that they find appropriate.
Ladies and Gentleman of the Press, Los Angelino's, Extreme Futurists, what you can see (or would see) behind me as the sun rises over the City of Angels, is a direction in time and space... East, yes from our perspective here on planet Earth, for the Sun appears to rise in the East, but the Sun does not rise at all, it is the Earth that turns. Behind the Sun at this moment in time, if we were to step out of our own solar system , in what we call “the East” is the exact center of our Galaxy, the Milky Way, in the direction of the constellation we call Sagittarius. This only occurs once every 28,000 years. If we re to step once again out beyond our local galaxy, we would see that in the same way, that on Earth behind hind the sun is the center of our galaxy, we would also see our galaxy is now aligned in the exact way as the first example, to the center of the Universe. This only happens once every 28, 000, 000 years.... I will pause for a moment to let that sink in.... What was just described to you was calculated over 2000 years ago by the Mayan people of what is now central america, by a culture without the benfit of modern Telescopes, Calculators, or Computers, and is testament to the Mayan's astronomical observational and computational skills.... remarkable is it not? Both the Mayan and the Egyptian civilizations knew that the pole of the sun takes 37 days to rotate and the equator of the sun takes only 26 days.
End of the World? No. As my group of time-travelling sex-magicians posing as rockstars has pointed out many times in the past is; Doomsday Passes: Earth Intact.
Apocalypse? Yes. Apocalypse means literally : ‘”to unveil, uncover”. The dance of the unveiling ones self, Calypso, gets it name from this. What is being un-covered now is of great signifigance to the species called Human.
End of Time? Yes, at least the end of time as we know it.
To shorten the huge list of things wrong in these strange times, suffice it to say that everything from the health of the oceans and atmosphere, to the behavior of the self appointed ruling elite is all screwed up. And that then brings us to 2012. Not simply the end of the Mayan Long Count 'calendar', but also a central focus of number codes in dozens of ancient myths that actually spanthe planet. the 2012 'end date' seemingly puts the capstone on our pyramid of changes noticeable on the Winter Solstice of December 21, 2012. We at Metaversal Lightcraft want to announce at this time, much to displeasure of Pope Gregory, on who’s Gregorian calendar we are throwing out the window of our hotel room on this day, in the style of many rockers before us. We bring you the new metaversal 13 month calendar, a calendar that realizes that an hour made of sixty minutes maybe a good way to keep time on your watch, but a day made up of 24 hours is based on a completely different model and thus the two versions of an hour are incompatable. Our calendar, which will be explained in detail on our website, is both elegant, accurate, and easier to use. Noting that the word 'solstice' meaning to 'stand still' actually describes a specific astronomic event which is a 3/three day time in which the sun appears to rise in exactly the same spot on the horizon, it is curious indeed that the Long Count of the Mayan, actually meso-american cultures, would end on this day. It is also curious that the pope Gregory would have the long count actually end at 11:11 on today. Also curious is that the numeral reference sums to 11 (12-21-2012 = 11). These curiosities arise due to the encoding of knowledge into number patterns. As an instance, the number 11 at its base level of symbolism refers to the 'sun spot cycle' which is 11 (and some fractional part) years in length. Time is a label that humans have applied to the aggregate of many aspects of reality. Within the samskrta (sanskrit) based linguistic traditions which are just about half of the languages on planet earth, 'time' is actually a collection of individual aspect/attributes of the manifestation of reality. The early Greek reality descibers (philosophers) identified at least 2/two aspects of the collective we call 'time' in their discussions of chronos (measured or mechanistic time), and karios (the quality of a time/moment, the 'opportune' moment). The Taoist tradition going back to at least the 5/Five Bushel League years included 22/twenty-two identified aspects/attributes of reality that fell within the general category of 'time'. The Yogic school going back through the experimental stages of the formation of the Science of Yoga, had identified over 100/one-hundred aspect/attributes of time, though many of these also include the time-binding properties of what we call 'karma' in the collective, and karmans in the particulate.
Time, from these views of reality, is not a 'river' carrying 'events' in a stream. The alternate understanding expressed in what can be labeled as the 'yogic' understanding of reality, 'time' is but part of the 'template' through which continuous creation expresses itself. This is to say, that in the 'continuous creation of universe, including me and you and everything in between' school of reality, 'time' is but a necessary component of the basic 'infrastructure' of reality. It must also be understood that in this view, 'time' is not a separate part of reality, nor is it a 'singular' part of reality. Make sense? Clear as brown goat butt in a howling dust storm? As a point of departure for this discussion of 'time' and the techniques of its use, we begin at the beginning, or the source of time. This is a tiny spot, waaay too small to be seen by the naked human eye, even likely way too small to be seen with any of our most advanced microscopes. This tiny tiny spot is at the absolute center of the universe. That it is also at the very center of the multiverse (all of the multitude of singular central points), is best left for another discussion. This small point contains all that is Source for what we call, 'reality' or 'the material world'. This Source is actually an energetic pulse that fires off at the rate of 22/twenty-two trillion times a second (in our understanding of what a 'second' actually is in the chronos meaning). Every single pulse, which is to say, all 22/twenty-two trillion pulses each and every second since the beginning of time, instantly travels in Non-Time/Space (aka - The Void to all the taoist/buddhists out there), to the center of all the galaxies within universe (and the multiverse....but again, for later). As there is no time in The Void, or Non-Space/Time, each of the pulses travels to the center of each of the galaxies simultaneously, and from there, also taking up no Time, each pulse spreads out to the center of each of the material bodies such as suns, and planets and stuff throughout the totality of that galaxy. It is this pulse, at the rate of 22/twenty-two trillion times a second, that 'regulates' the manifestation of time. As 'time' in the aggregate of all of its aspects/attributes is central to all conscious perception of motion, distance, and indeed, all forms of perception itself in any form of consciousness expressed in material universe, 'time' is thus the 'propellant' that causes consciousness to perceive. Stated another way just to be really confusing, without time, consciousness could not perceive any motion, any change, including the 'change' that is required within each of the senses of the body themselves. Thus 'time' as an integral aspect of perception within the consciousness manifesting in material universe, is what the pulse from the center of universe carries directly to consciousness. Looked at yet another way in an attempt at understanding, while it takes no 'time' for each of the pulses to expand through out each universe from the initial, and central pulse point, each of these pulses is a 'carrier' of time, in all its aspects and attributes. Yet, just to confuse the hell out of consciousness, these pulses from the center of universe, *are* consciousness itself, about to perceive itself, in the reflections of its own perception of itself as time. See...? This is the whole of the duality problem, the perceiver is the perceived and vice versa. However as far as Time, its nature and manipulation are concerned, not too relevant. Stated another way, the pulse at the center of continuous creation carries directly to consciousness, the necessary creation of 'time', at a universal level. This 'pulse of universal time' is, for most of consciousness in manifesting material world, not sensed, yet it forms a 'Metaversal Platform' for all of universe. The base pulse of continuous crea The whole of material reality is merely a giant collision of energy bouncing off itself at a huge multitude of frequencies, amplitude, and ranges. Some of these collisions of energies are extremely temporary such as radioactive decay or gamma radiation, others form standing wave patterns that persist over 'time'. Such persistent standing waves of collisions of energy include suns, solar systems, dust, dirt, humans, pigs, fishes, birds, planets, plants, pies, bacteria, and a multitude of other 'things' which all are 'alive' in the energetic sense, though some of which we consciousness-expressing-as-humans, might not recognize as being in the category of 'life'. Nonetheless, all of reality is but our perception of these energetic collisions filtered through 'time' into consciousness. It should be noted that this model fully supports the Terrance McKenna idea of an eschaton, or world-time ending. The eschaton is actually a predictable effect of the continuous creation/destruction model. As reality creates and destroys itself, it does so to allow for dynamism or movement, or change. Change allows for the growth of complexity, as does the nature of the underlying vibration fields that actually is material reality. It is a predictable part of reality that complexity would increase over time. Further the increase in complexity should proceed predictably toward a crescendo point, in so far as mind is concerned. This crescendo is probably associated with an increase in complexity of the perception of time such that an eschaton will be reached. Thereafter the ‘what’ of reality is anyone’s guess. The continuous creation/destruction model allows for travel in space without regard to time. Basically what happens is that the ‘location’ aspects for a body or being or device are ‘reset’ and then allowed to express themselves during the next pulse/pause period. Thus nearly, as far as mind is concerned, instant movement in space without experiencing the ‘time’ of the movement. At a very core level, such travel would occur outside of time, as it would happen at vibration levels beyond the ability for our mental processes to perceive. By the way, it can also be noted that such forms of travel would have an impact on the human body/mind that may have to be treated as a health issue. Most martial artists and meditators will confirm that they have encountered 'times' during which the experience of the quality of the 'time' was decidedly different than 'ordinary time'. This effect has been noted under many names, and is frequently discussed in the 'peak performance' genre of literature. However, the concepts usually expressed about 'qualitatively different experiences of time' within the sports/body world are usually focused on the ability to manipulate oneself into that peak performance zone which also seems to have a different feeling of time as it progresses. Within the meditation community, the altered perception of time state is the goal itself. Distinctly separating meditation from *any* form of 'contemplation' in which a linguistic or image is attempted to be maintained in the mind, and referring in the main to those forms of meditation typified by yogic, taoist, chan/zen practices, wherein the levels of vibratory consciousness are traversed/explored, it is worth noting that the meditation source material most frequently cites the 'time' quality aspect as both a primary, and the first of the 'extra sensory' abilities to develop. This new knowledge, which is really just an active appreciation of the experience of the variance in the quality of time, is primary as it continues to be refined through out the whole of the meditation experience. That it is also the first of these 'extra sensory' abilities also fits as the 'time' component of continuous creation is pulse based, therefore to 'climb out' of the limitations of your base form requires first the ability to be aware of more of the permutations of the base pulse than before. More on this in another discussion.
Welcome to the Eschaton, to the Extreme Futurist Festival, to the New Aeon. Good luck to all humans, and remember, if the shit hits the fan, the elites will find themselves as 'spam in a can'. This gives new meaning to the old french peasant retort, of “'one day, we will all eat the rich'
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Sunday, November 11, 2012
First Set: Waltzincore, So Pure Within, Burn Down Your Cities, The Double MA'AT
Memories Can't Wait, The Babysitter, The Eternal Feminine (Lures to Perfection),
Recursion of Allied Wave Doughnuts (Giant Rainbow Pyramid)
Sunday, November 4, 2012
IAO Core Live at Red Rocks
this was our second time playing the mythic Red Rocks, the first time was/and is featured in our epic road film “Magickal Media Terrorism Tour”. This was also our first performance with Denver based percussion phenom, T.S. Anubis.... Thus the second set jamboreebop “Party and Play Perfectly Clear Elf Flamethrower” is truly outstanding for it's merciless drum antics … but before this is explored further, certain definitions need to be established just for clarity. Drumming is tricky stuff after all, and the in-built ambiguity of language also contributes to easily missing the many facets of the drum conundrum. So let us first define what is meant by “drumming”‘In this instance, what is meant is the ability of a human in the sense of body, mind and consciousness, leaving a point in time, hereafter labeled the Point of Temporal Origin (PTO), and then ‘arriving’ within a different temporal destination. In this definition, any movement in space is not considered as a key component of drumming , though it may certainly occur as a side effect.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
IAO Core Live at Red Rocks 2009 2nd Set
IAO Core Red Rocks 2nd Set
Second Set: Threatened, The Vargtimmen, Party and Play, Perfectly Clear,
Elf Flamethrower, Drums/Space, Right Where it Belongs, Twisted (Beautiful World)
Johannes Ayres - Vox, Guitar, Samplers
Travis T. Cortez – Guitar
Rimi Ghose- Bass, Drums
T.S. Anubis - Drums,
April Q Dawn- Vox, Enochiana,
Seofon – Samplers, Noise
Terrence Oswley - Noise
this was our second time playing the mythic Red Rocks, the first time was/and is featured in our epic road film “Magickal Media Terrorism Tour”. This was also our first performance with Denver based percussion phenom, T.S. Anubis.... Thus the second set jamboreebop “Party and Play Perfectly Clear Elf Flamethrower” is truly outstanding for it's merciless drum antics … but before this is explored further, certain definitions need to be established just for clarity. Drumming is tricky stuff after all, and the in-built ambiguity of language also contributes to easily missing the many facets of the drum conundrum. So let us first define what is meant by “drumming”‘In this instance, what is meant is the ability of a human in the sense of body, mind and consciousness, leaving a point in time, hereafter labeled the Point of Temporal Origin (PTO), and then ‘arriving’ within a different temporal destination. In this definition, any movement in space is not considered as a key component of drumming , though it may certainly occur as a side effect.
Second Set: Threatened, The Vargtimmen, Party and Play, Perfectly Clear,
Elf Flamethrower, Drums/Space, Right Where it Belongs, Twisted (Beautiful World)
Johannes Ayres - Vox, Guitar, Samplers
Travis T. Cortez – Guitar
Rimi Ghose- Bass, Drums
T.S. Anubis - Drums,
April Q Dawn- Vox, Enochiana,
Seofon – Samplers, Noise
Terrence Oswley - Noise
this was our second time playing the mythic Red Rocks, the first time was/and is featured in our epic road film “Magickal Media Terrorism Tour”. This was also our first performance with Denver based percussion phenom, T.S. Anubis.... Thus the second set jamboreebop “Party and Play Perfectly Clear Elf Flamethrower” is truly outstanding for it's merciless drum antics … but before this is explored further, certain definitions need to be established just for clarity. Drumming is tricky stuff after all, and the in-built ambiguity of language also contributes to easily missing the many facets of the drum conundrum. So let us first define what is meant by “drumming”‘In this instance, what is meant is the ability of a human in the sense of body, mind and consciousness, leaving a point in time, hereafter labeled the Point of Temporal Origin (PTO), and then ‘arriving’ within a different temporal destination. In this definition, any movement in space is not considered as a key component of drumming , though it may certainly occur as a side effect.
IAO Core Live at Red Rocks Ampitheatre set 1
IAO Core Live at Red Rocks Ampitheatre set 1
this is the mixing board mix from the IAO Core show at the celebrated Red Rocks Amphitheatre in Morrison CO August 9th 2009. First Set: Waltzincore, Two Sunspots, The Babysitter
The Eternal Feminine (Lures to Perfection), Goldenbrown, Psycho-Killer, Violet Eyes, Vibrating
Founding father Johannes Ayres fronts the current IAO Core and members include April Q Dawn,, m.c. Schmidt and Drew Daniels (Matmos) Kris Force (Amber Asylum). and an A.I. named Kore. Their music touches on classical, electronica, post-industrial, speed metal with a distinctly experimental/avant-garde bent; Their lyrics are in fact superb: out of such pockets light pours, conjuring spirits of an America both mysterious and obscene.
this is the mixing board mix from the IAO Core show at the celebrated Red Rocks Amphitheatre in Morrison CO August 9th 2009. First Set: Waltzincore, Two Sunspots, The Babysitter
The Eternal Feminine (Lures to Perfection), Goldenbrown, Psycho-Killer, Violet Eyes, Vibrating
Founding father Johannes Ayres fronts the current IAO Core and members include April Q Dawn,, m.c. Schmidt and Drew Daniels (Matmos) Kris Force (Amber Asylum). and an A.I. named Kore. Their music touches on classical, electronica, post-industrial, speed metal with a distinctly experimental/avant-garde bent; Their lyrics are in fact superb: out of such pockets light pours, conjuring spirits of an America both mysterious and obscene.
Monday, September 24, 2012
American Autumn and other songs of the New Revolution
"American Autumn and other songs of the New Revolution", the 23rd studio album by Bay Area Epic Noise Rockers "IAO Core" will be released on October 7th 2012. The track list
(subject to change) is as follows... American Autumn, Children of the Revolution, Burn Down Your Cities, Moonlight Shadow, Brighton Rock, Jack the Giant Killer, .....
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Friday, August 24, 2012
IAO Core Live from Mosswood "The Rite of Venus" Part 7 of the Rites of E...
This is nothing less than pure awesome and behold a court of photosynthetic Angels who make this place inside your chest cavity a Paradise, performing tantric intercourse in magick towers and lush subterranean caves, opening your heart chakra screaming " fuck me like fried potatoes on the most beautifully hungry morning of my God-damn life." It is Art that pleads a kind of lost divine madness a its guiding inspiration. the center will make itself known to those who will be a part of it there and who will find their way there and those who are to be a part of it in another location will also respond to the gravitational pull of Love in evolution, embracing the death of the false, for the endless perpetuation of the real, via the mysterious process of change, which is the dance performed by that which is immortal in us …and is the perceptible part of the divine in demonstration of it. Chickadees have been known to fornicate with badgers here, for christsakes.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Live in Antwerp Set 2
IAO Core Live in Antwerp set 2
Ah, Antwerp!According to folklore, and as celebrated by the statue in front of the town hall, the city got its name from a legend involving a mythical giant called Antigoon who lived near the river Scheldt. He exacted a toll from those crossing the river, and for those who refused, he severed one of their hands and threw it into the river Scheldt. Eventually, the giant was slain by a young hero named Brabo, who cut off the giant's own hand and flung it into the river. Hence the name Antwerpen, from Dutch hand werpen—akin to Old English hand and wearpan (= to throw), which has changed to today's warp.Back in the olden days, women hung laundry out on the street to dry, a perfect opportunity to chat and gossip. Laundry Day aims to recreate this congeniality with up to 50,000 people dancing on the streets of Antwerp's Ledeganckkaai. It was this celebratory event, in which our heroes found themselves in the Summer of 2010.
Ah, the summer of 2010. In January “Rolling Stone” deemed us only a couple tweaks away from greatness. We had begun to fourth-guess ourselves. Each IAOster accused the other of holding the band back. Things got a lot more fun as the year progressed. A week into the first leg of our first European tour, our sound man slammed my finger in a van door, breaking it in two places. I regained my dexterity in a few weeks, but the experience left us all shaken. Travis took on the lead guitar position and vocals became my main thing. Never the less we blazed a trail across Europe that moved away from the bone-crushing riffs of ourr forebears and instead settled upon something more spiritual and transcendent; regularly bringing forth a more organic tone that appeared to be in awed reverence of itself. This recording (made straight off the mixing board) is a very good one, and was one of our better live European performances, if I do say so myself, and I just did, didn't I ?
Sunday, August 5, 2012
IAO Core Live in Antwerp July 2010 Set 1
IAO Core Live in Antwerp July 2010 Set 1
SET NUMBER ONE Waltzincore, Just Two More Sun Spots, The Eternal Feminine Lures to Perfection, Dogtower, Wish you were Here, Dogtower (reprise), Violet Eyes, Enochian Blues, Melody of Certain 3,
Big Electric Cat, Ring of Fire
SET NUMBER ONE Waltzincore, Just Two More Sun Spots, The Eternal Feminine Lures to Perfection, Dogtower, Wish you were Here, Dogtower (reprise), Violet Eyes, Enochian Blues, Melody of Certain 3,
Big Electric Cat, Ring of Fire
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
IAO Core "Let'em Eat Pi (Hole Cakewalk) Live in the Grand Ballroom 7-6-2012 Set 1
IAO Core "Let'em Eat Pi (Hole Cakewalk) Live in the Grand Ballroom 7-6-2012 Set 1
The first set from the last show in "The Grand Ballroom" at Oakland's historic Lake Merrit Lodge ( for the last two years, IAO Core's homebase)
Friday, June 29, 2012
The Last Blast in the Grand Ballroom?
Ownership of the historic Lake Merritt Lodge has been taken over by the City of Oakland. It is still unclear what they plan to do with it, so this next Friday's show,
maybe the last in the Lodge's Grand Ballroom. This is where IAO Core recorded it's fabulously successful live CD (the) singularity (recording of live event) last January. The building has been home to such legendary artists as Dario Puga, Jello Biafra, Benjamin Bufano, Jerry Garcia, Richard Brautigan, IAO Core, and countless others.....
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Here you may download IAO Core's (the) singularity (recording of live event) Set the First
IAO Core (the) singularity (recording of live event) Set the First
and here it is world. The whole first set : The Waltzincore (Dub) , Hello Little Spark, .. a colour, Radioactivity, Good Evening Blazing Apostles Can I Help You?, Melody of Certain 3, Push the Button, I Feel Closer, You Love Me, Violet Eyes, We Live Again, Vibrating
and here it is world. The whole first set : The Waltzincore (Dub) , Hello Little Spark, .. a colour, Radioactivity, Good Evening Blazing Apostles Can I Help You?, Melody of Certain 3, Push the Button, I Feel Closer, You Love Me, Violet Eyes, We Live Again, Vibrating
and here you may download (the) singularity (recording of live event) Set the Second
IAO Core (the) singularity (recording of live event) Set the Second
The songs in the Second Set: Damien, The Dogtower, Masterhit 3, Strange Powers, Property of Thieves, The Vargtimmon, MA'AT (Drumspace), Salvo after Salvo of Ripened Spores Burst into the Air, The Divine Invasion,
Up-Rising, The Immigrant Song
(the) singularity (live event) was recorded in January 2012 in the Grand Ballroom of the historic Lake Merritt Lodge in Oakland, CA. Avoid prolonged exposure to (the) singularity (live event) if under the influence of children under water and over.the counter cultural back drops into the cornea after a large meal..... Rinse and repeat if necessary....Do Not Panic Unless You Want.To....
The songs in the Second Set: Damien, The Dogtower, Masterhit 3, Strange Powers, Property of Thieves, The Vargtimmon, MA'AT (Drumspace), Salvo after Salvo of Ripened Spores Burst into the Air, The Divine Invasion,
Up-Rising, The Immigrant Song
(the) singularity (live event) was recorded in January 2012 in the Grand Ballroom of the historic Lake Merritt Lodge in Oakland, CA. Avoid prolonged exposure to (the) singularity (live event) if under the influence of children under water and over.the counter cultural back drops into the cornea after a large meal..... Rinse and repeat if necessary....Do Not Panic Unless You Want.To....
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
IAO Core's (the) singularity (recording of live event) is set loose on the Metaverse!
The new IAO CORE live album,(the) singularity (recording of live event) has been let loose on the Metaverse and it is truly an awesome thing to behold. Culled from three IAO CORE singularity performances of January and February of this year, the songs present a single live album, over 2 hours in length! And while you can download both sets for free starting this weekend, let me tell you how you can best experience, (the) singularity (recording of live event) : When you purchase the whole enchilada directly from Metaversal you get: a beautiful 22 page booklet that includes lyrics and artwork for each of the songs, autographs of each of the IAO Core personnel that appear on the recording, a third CD (another full hour) of music from the singularity performances unavailable elsewhere, and the satisfaction of knowing your 20 dollar purchase keeps the IAO Core in Guitar strings, nine volt batteries, etc for another year. So while you can download it for free, (the) singularity (recording of live event/the whole enchilada!) is available directly from the band and at finer Sonic Emporiums worldwide
the following is part of a piece I did with ”GhostWire” on our new CD "(the) singularity (recording of live event)"
(the) singularity is nearly upon us and I thought I'd give you a few details about some of the album's tracks: Part of the fun of being Iao Core these days is being able to choose songs to perform from our back catalog, and/or improvising them on the spot (would not be possible without my talented band mates!) and/or covers of songs from my life as a huge music fan, that are very emotionally charged and special to me...
The Waltzincore
This song is the first song of every IAO Core performance, a kind of call to the assembled that we are now entering the Metaversal Core. It never sounds the same way twice and of the three “singularity (live events) versions, the one we chose for the CD is like an rambunctious overture built on ascending levels of warm synthesizer and E-bowed guitar, timpani and marimbas, like the industrialized anthem of some tuned in, outsider alien culture, .
Hello Little Spark
This song was on the first IAO CORE album and is the first song I ever wrote lyrics specifically for the music (which doesn’t even sound remotely like the original music, so let‘s think of it as evolutionary) A love song to the life force .The narrative features virtually no metaphors or similes; everything seems to happen at face value--a complicated search for meaning or "interpretation" is unnecessary. Again, the song is closer to traditional American music than love songs heard on the radio. It is direct yet not necessarily blatant or trite since the subject matter is uncommon for contemporary American rock lyrics.
“Give me love, Give me life, a small monkey for a pet,
and girlfriend for my monkey Named “Chabooya crepe suzzette”
When the sasquatch stumbles across the missile silo, and I myself in dream tumble over the white cliffs of Dover, over and over”
(When analyzing song lyrics, certain basic differences from poetry have to be understood and observed. When comparing popular song lyrics to contemporary or classic poetry, it is difficult not to miss a striking difference in quality--song lyrics generally tend to be outspoken and trite where poetry clouds itself in ambiguity and complex imagery. The intelligent rock musician is put in the position of working as hard as a poet or painter, while being expected to accept his gifts with the self- deprecating shrug of the idiot savant.)
Blazing Apostles
begins with a Tibetan horn blasting it’s call as if through remote Himalayan passes and then into a hyper paced electronic jam reminiscent of early Kraftwerk , with an overlay of tweaked manually recorded samples from Ms. Ghose. The backwards drums only make it more surreal... there’s a lot of guitar in this…very greasy…very IAO Core…
is all about it’s infectious bass line over a rhythmic sea of hammered strings and a beautiful melody line seemingly composed from sampled animal growls, grunts and other beastly noises. Even more clearly an American song in the best tradition of folk singers like Woody Guthrie or Phil Ochs is…
Royal jELLY
a brilliant bit of electronic cabaret featuring yours truly scat singing a duet with a honeybee. I kid you not! Is that a real horn section in there? Strange and beautiful. It is a song depicting the plight of a bee keeper. My lyrical eye in describing my topic was so sharp that I heard of an actual Bee keeper wondering "what the guy who wrote this song would've thought if he'd ever known a band like the Iao Core was gonna be doin’ it." I consider this the best compliment I ever received for a lyric, obviously because it certifies an authenticity I aimed for.
is another first set song, a reggae infused extravaganza with D. Gardner lending the proceedings tasty if not otherworldly swashes of turntablism. Mega. Lyrically once again everything seems to happen at face value--a complicated search for meaning or "interpretation" is unnecessary.
The Babysitter
is thundering bass, fuzz guitar, drums, an amazing tight power trio piece that reminds me of the early Stranglers: power pop with an edge. Rimi’s recital of the description (in French) of a 16 millimeter stag film involving Infantilism (this film was shown behind the band in our early live performances, endearing us in the hearts of the S.F. fetish underground scene) from the back of the films box gives the whole affair a Euro trashy feel. Even cloistered nuns must know what she's talking about..
This was inspired by the first acoustic tour we did with Tarantula Hawk in Holland and Belgium in 2007, and one mad night in particular when we were driving back from a gig to the hotel we were using as a base. We had plenty of Absinth and primo weed and started to record ourselves accapella making up a song. Kory was in the front singing the keyboard parts, Rimi was singing bass parts, I was singing the melody and Goshi was keeping time on an Absinth bottle with a broken drumstick…our tour manager was laughing so much he could hardly drive and was getting secondarily stoned…We got so excited we got into a series of nipping duels with some badgers down at the grain elevators. you had to be there really…very funny…
is the “magic orgasm” of “(the) singularity (live events)” Let me back up…the order of songs, is of exceptional importance during a Iao Core show. Traditionally, since 1987,a Iao Core show is split into a first and a second set, where the first set is characterized by more conventional songs that are played without too much improvised jamming; the length of the songs stays within reasonable limits as well. The second set, in contrast, features many improvised jams that stretch the songs easily out to fifteen, twenty minutes. At some point in the second set, Goshi and Rimi (percussion & drums) will take over and play an extend drum solo while everyone else leaves the stage. Before they are finished, the other band members return, and Goshi and Rimi leave the stage. What follows is an extended, beatless jam of exploratory sounds known as "Space." Somewhere in the middle of the second set of every Iao Core show the band turns a corner. We enter a musical environment without walls or structure. The song form is abandoned, and the very elements of music may be called into question. The only mandate is to explore new territory. It is an environment where rhythm, tone, color, melody, and harmony can be explored without rules or predetermination, a musical adventure where composition and performance are one. MA'AT is such a piece. After "Space," we will play three or four more songs, commonly ending with a high- energy song like "The Babysitter'" or "Porpoise," and come back for a one-song encore. This pattern forms a relatively firm structure in which highly unstable elements are put--the music is always improvised, and not one song has been played twice the same way, and the actual list of songs played always varies, to the point where not even the band members know what we will play before we go on stage. This is of high importance because…………
Friday, March 30, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
Masterhit 3 and Strange Powers performed live at (the) singula...
well, (the) singularity (album, download, CD etc...) comes out tomorrow (Vernal Equinox)
in more formats than i ever imagined you could distribute condensed Love before
(who wants an 8 track cassette and who's wants the simstim!?!)
and so today i'm sneakin' ya'll this little gem of a performance video from (the) very same "singularity"
shows that gave us the album material of which everyone is privy to tomorrow..... got it? good...
enjoy this, as usual, with volume on 11....
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
(the) singularity (event) 2-17-2012 BiG ELECTRIC CAT
the following is part of an interview I did with "the Wire" on (the) singularity (events) and specifically Big Electric Cat....
""singularity" refers to the emergence of greater-than-human intelligence through technological means, resulting in explosive superintelligence. Since the capabilities of such intelligence would be difficult for an unaided human mind to comprehend, the occurrence of a technological singularity has in the past been seen as an intellectual event horizon, beyond which events could not be predicted or understood. Terrence McKenna once descried the singularity as "the Transcendental Object(at the end of Time)" and this stuck with me. He also speculated that 2012 would be the year of it's arrival. Now, Object relations theory is a psychodynamic theory within psychoanalytic psychology. The theory describes the process of developing a psyche as one grows in relation to the environment. The basis of the theory is that the way we relate to people (and situations) in our adult world was programmed into us by the way we experienced our parents when we were infants and while we grow up.The Self (or subject) relates to Objects in the unconscious. "Objects" can be images (internalized) of one's mother or father. Objects can also be parts of a person, for instance an infant relating to the breast..Objects may be both real or things in one's inner world (one's internalized image of others)..At (these) singularity performances I got to sculpt these "Transcendental Objects" in real time, out of our songs and our visuals, while I was performing. The cues consisted of lighting effects, animation of elements of the set, the mandelbulber program, particle effects, L-systems, and even a big electric cat.. The sound reactive is also important. We used audio analysis to displace textures that then became light projections. Audio was also used for modulating particle dynamics, even the geometry in "Hello little Spark" using a vertex shader. We were getting frame-rates of between 17-60fps rendering stereo at 1024x576.
Part of the fun of being Iao Core these days is being able to choose songs to perform from our back catalog, and/or improvising them on the spot (would not be possible without my talented bandmates!) and/or covers of songs from my life as a huge music fan, that are very emotionally charged and special to me.. Adrian Belew was such an inspiration musician when I was a lad, the noises and sounds he squonked out of his guitar blew my young mind, things like "Elephant Talk" and such, so you can imagine how much fun it is fover me to cover "Big Electric Cat " and then sculpt it into a "Transcendental Object", or "Aural Sculpture", if you will.......
Thursday, February 23, 2012
IAO Core: (the) singularity part 4: Hello Little Spark / Hallelujah
What appears as blackness in this case is a visual field so rich in data you can't see the florist for the bees. So just surrender and take things [It's not necessary to write this down -it will happen to you again, in the same way] shaggy muzzle of a perfunctory dispatch nuzzles your crotch and growls at the same time. Some will begin torso-miming the first act of a logistical play, startling and incestuous protective and cacoëpistic, so pretty and artistic, vernacular and déclassé little flyers.
I've heard there was a secret chord
That David played, and it pleased the Lord
But you don't really care for music, do you?
It goes like this
The fourth, the fifth
The minor fall, the major lift
The baffled king composing Hallelujah
Sunday, February 19, 2012
(the) singularity (live event) part 3 Damien/ TMATLAWFP
one of my favorite "singularity' moments, the classic Legendary Pink Dots song,
with all due respect to Mr. Edward KaSpel. I love the acoustics in the Grand Ballroom
which is in Oakland, California, which may or may not be the arsehole of the Metaverse, but one thing is certain: Art of this almost other-worldly nature could not be created within the confines of the civilized world. It is Art that pleads a kind of lost divine madness a its guiding inspiration. the center will make itself known to those who will be a part of it there and who will find their way there and those who are to be a part of it in another location will also respond to the gravitational pull of Love in evolution, embracing the death of the false, for the endless perpetuation of the real, via the mysterious process of change, which is the dance performed by that which is immortal in us …and is the perceptible part of the divine in demonstration of it. In any case, help is on the way. Endure and believe, because, whatever happens is supposed to happen, because evil is in the process of destroying itself; however they do it, let them do it. Get out of their way. Believe me…. They will be running for the fire doors. Step aside. You know what? Don’t listen to me. You can do as you like. Do something. Don’t do something. Enjoy listening to the new Iao Core album. “Singularity“. The ball is either in your court or the dealer wants to know if you would like a card. I can’t make that decision for you but based on what I have experienced, read about, dreamed …and… that inexplicable thing. I think you are going to be okay if you are and if you are not; then there’s still time because you are reading this.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
(the) singularity (release event) will take place on Friday, February 17th

The legendary IAO Core, purveyors of epic noise rock delicacies, perform live in the Grand Ballroom of the historic Lake Merritt Lodge in Oakland, to promote their 23rd album,"(the) singularity". The "songs", newly formed in atom smashers, are like albino dachshunds charging out from the catacombs into the brilliant embrace of the sky which stands for a moment on a guitar string, strung out on the background of something very continuous. ("String theory" need not be altogether esoteric.) You can have the whole enchilada. It awaits you in beckoning repose. As well as download, three physical formats of the album will be available. Alongside the standard CD release, there will be a limited double pack CD including a recording of the acoustic set from January's "(the) singularity (event)". A real treat is in store for all the vinyl junkies out there as "(the) singularity" will also be released on a limited edition vinyl LP. More details will follow soon including an interview with Johannes about the album...All due respect to the following "singularity" incarnations: The Magus (Johannes Ayres); The Reaper (Luke Skeels); Emperor Agni (Corey Christopher); Mistress Fortune (Rimi Ghose); The Jesters (Seofon and Travis T. Cortez); and The Sonne (Kris Force). This ritual is brought to you by IAO Core.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
The Core issue 93 release event and Iao Core: “Singularity” CD Listening Party
They are soooo here. The Winter 2011/2012 copies of the 93rd issue of The Core. These gorgeous, hand made, investment quality art zines are limited to 200 copies of each issue. Each mag has a painting of an Enochian Angel by yours truly, Johannes Ayres, as it's back cover, so this will be the last time all 200 paintings can be viewed at the same time and anyone interested in picking out the painting they want gracing the back of their copy can do so. This Friday evening, I will show you the process of production of the Enochian Angel Paintings, and you can view all 200 before they catch the four winds, and be the first to hear the new Iao Core CD "singularity" (it's awesome). Live performances by
Strontium 90 (Japan)
Neon Leon and ADHDJ
will spin Electronic Body Music, and some will begin torso-miming the first act of a logistical play, startling and incestuous protective and cacoëpistic, so pretty and artistic, vernacular and déclassé little flyers.
Celebrity guests will read excerpts from the new issue of The Core
and Cash Hose will give a slide presentation/lecture on his recent trip to the Abyss …
Will there be Time-traveling Sex Magicians? Yes, there will Time-traveling Sex Magicians, and there’s an amazing Tarot reader (a bastard daughter of yours, if Reverend Martini is to be believed) who will read the cards for you for tips and cheese. You needn’t dress in any but the most perfunctory manner nor bring any crickets (there will be plenty of those!) Intelligence is the greatest aphrodisiac, but a dab of extract from a civet's anal gland and a nice pair of shoes will work just as well today. This event is free of charge before 9:00 and 5 dollars after and will take place from 8:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. in the Grand Ballroom of the Historic Merritt Lodge, 2332 Harrison in Oakland, California, which may or may not be the arsehole of the universe, but one thing is certain: Art of this almost other-worldly nature could not be created within the confines of the civilized world. It is Art that pleads a kind of lost divine madness a its guiding inspiration. the center will make itself known to those who will be a part of it there and who will find their way there and those who are to be a part of it in another location will also respond to the gravitational pull of Love in evolution, embracing the death of the false, for the endless perpetuation of the real, via the mysterious process of change, which is the dance performed by that which is immortal in us …and is the perceptible part of the divine in demonstration of it. In any case, help is on the way. Endure and believe, because, whatever happens is supposed to happen, because evil is in the process of destroying itself; however they do it, let them do it. Get out of their way. Believe me…. They will be running for the fire doors. Step aside. You know what? Don’t listen to me. You can do as you like. Do something. Don’t do something. Enjoy listening to the new Iao Core album. “Singularity“. The ball is either in your court or the dealer wants to know if you would like a card. I can’t make that decision for you but based on what I have experienced, read about, dreamed …and… that inexplicable thing. I think you are going to be okay if you are and if you are not; then there’s still time because you are reading this...............................................................................................................................
What is most important to this Core Event is your Presence…. At sunrise on Saturday the 21st, IAO Core invites you to the rooftop of the Lake Merrtit Lodge for a secret set. Don't spend the morning in the living room, searching for the previous evening as though it were a dissevered cobra, the sections of which were hidden here and there about the room. . . No matter how cleverly you seek, however, you can't seem to find the head or the tip of its other extremity, the tail; so you are by no means certain of the creature’s real dimension, of how much there was left to uncover. Even when you check behind what we all thought to be the object which might most obviously conceal a clue— a curiously slashed landscape painting which hung at a disconcerting angle on the fruit-splattered wall— you'll find nothing but a pair of immaculate formal gloves nailed to the plaster. The real deal will take place on the rooftop..../..
Sunday, January 8, 2012
IAO Core performs Up-rising and the Immigrant Song Live 1-6-2012
,….. The Legendary IAO Core in the Grand Ballroom of the historic Lake Merritt Lodge, Oakland CA
To the Lightcrafty, the karios of the moment imparts a dark, and bitter-sweet flavor. The IAO Core was fully functional, informing the uninitiated we’re all going down the rabbit-hole. And that’s an order. "Hello little Spark" first time heard since 1993 (revolution, up-rising ) and sexy musick, (breakdown and renewal) IAO Core is the longest arm of the key theme presented in this arena era of transformative contra puntal fugue. Corey playing bass and Luke Skeels Hyper-Abyssic heavyweight guitar histronics where never exactly 90 degrees apart seven times, offering the people of Oakland and the world and the other world a chance to realize how much power punch they serve in those chops If every song in the whole show was laid into end Punches would be thrown out of windows, showering spirits upon those living below the party line. Nightcaps will be dislodged an hour later on holidays, extending daylight for the revellers and looters.At this juncture, humanity, the whole stinking roiling contentious disparate, and dysfunctional mass of us, over these next 12 precious months, needs to learn to address every cat with the greeting ‘Good afternoon, Mr. Ravenscrofte’the IAO Core is hence more, even if the cat is female, and even if it isn’t the afternoon. Doff your hat if you’re wearing one; click your heels if
your not....
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